How to Make Viable Cannabis Seeds

Secrets of the Pink Kush: How to Make Viable Cannabis Seeds
by Billy Budd
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Secrets of the Pink Kush

How to Make Viable Cannabis Seeds
by Billy Budd (William H. Bradshaw)
Produce Pollen:
• The male plant must be grown out to full maturity using a photoperiod of 18 hours of daylight and 6 hours of darkness. This will ensure a higher quality of pollen and thus a higher quality seed.
• The male plant should be grown in a separate room to avoid accidental pollination of other plants in the vicinity.
• This requires a vegetation period of about ten weeks at a minimum.
• Alter the photoperiod from 18 hours to 12 hours to induce the flowering cycle. The reduction in photoperiod will have no impact on pure cannabis sativa strains as they will not begin to pollinate until they have reached maturity. Cannabis indica, will conversely, begin to flower as soon as the photoperiod is shortened.
• Pollen sacs will begin to develop after shortening the photoperiod or upon reaching maturity.
• After a few weeks the pollen sacs will develop and then begin to open.
• Once the majority of pollen sacs are developed and begin to drop pollen then the entire plant can be harvested for pollen.
• Collect all of the pollen sacs from the plant.
• Separate the pollen from the organic matter to avoid decay.
• Dry the pollen in the open air with a cool temperature (65 degrees Farenheit). Keep air flow to a minimum to avoid loss.
• Once the pollen is dried then place in containers with a dessicant e.g. silica to prevent moisture.
• Store the pollen in a cool, dry environment.

Prepare Mother Plant:

• The female plant must be grown out to full maturity using a photoperiod of 18 hours of daylight and 6 hours of darkness. This will ensure a higher quality of seed and seed viabillity.
• This requires a vegetation period of about ten weeks at a minimum. Immature plants will not create quality seeds.
• Alter the photoperiod from 18 hours to 12 hours to induce the flowering cycle. The reduction in photoperiod will have no impact on pure cannabis sativa strains as they will not flower or begin to pollinate until they have reached maturity. Cannabis indica, will conversely, begin to flower as soon as the photoperiod is shortened.
• Pistills will begin to develop about 2 weeks after shortening the photoperiod or upon reaching maturity.
• The mother plant will be ready for pollination after 4 to 5 weeks when the pistills will be developed enough to create viable seeds.

Pollinate Mother Plant:
• Place mother plant in safe area away from other plants to avoid cross pollination.
• Eliminate any air movement.
• Use a paintbrush to dip into the pollen.
• Carefully apply pollen to the pistills.
• Do not apply excessive amounts of pollen as it will over burden the plant with seed production.
• Leave mother plant alone for a day under appropriate lighting.
• Check the mother plant for red splotches appearing on the pistills.
• The red splotches indicate a successful pollination. If it is not adequate then apply more pollen and leave for one more day.
• Vigorously wash the mother plant down with water after successful pollination. This is to eliminate any loose pollen to avoid accidental pollination of other plants.
• Place the mother plant back into the flower room with a photoperiod of 12 hours under High Pressure Sodium lighting.
• Allow the mother plant to produce seeds to full maturity. This will lengthen the flowering period by about 2 weeks as the mother plant now has to produce seeds as well as flower buds. Expect to flower for 10 weeks depending upon strain.
Extract Seeds:
• Check to ensure that the seeds are mature. The seeds will be large and dark as opposed to premature seeds which are small and very light in colour.
• Remove the flower buds and seeds from the plant.
• Allow to dry in a cool dark environment with a temperature of 68 degrees Farenheit and Relative Humidity of less than 50%.
• Keep a fan blowing around the area near the flower buds to prevent mold.
• After 7 to 10 days the seeds should be ready to harvest from the seed pods.
• The seeds should easily come free from the seed pod without too much disruption.
• Allow the seeds to dry after removing any and all organic material.
• Store the seeds in an air tight container with a dessicant to prevent moisture retention.
• Store the seeds in a cool, dark dry environment.

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