MAJOR UPDATE: Rescheduling is happening!

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Just announced by the DEA – They have received a recommendation from The Department of Health and Human Services that states that marijuana should be rescheduled to a schedule 3 drug. This video explores what we know up to this point.

Questions? – Connect with Dr. Nuesse via Zoom or by phone. Call 513-271-2500 to schedule a 60 minute Zoom/phone meeting with Dr. Nuesse. The cost of this meeting is $197.

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Dr. Nuesse is a certified medical examiner in the state of Ohio. The advice provided is Dr. Nuesse’s opinion and meant to be used for informational purposes only. Please consult with a medical professional about specific individual healthcare needs. Determination of “medically fit to drive” is at the sole discretion of the examiner performing the exam. Dr. Nuesse is an amazon affiliate and earns income from Amazon.

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