What I learned in 5 Years Growing Weed

In this video, I reflect on my five-year journey of growing cannabis, sharing the invaluable lessons and insights I’ve gained along the way. From choosing the right strains to mastering nutrients and lighting, I cover the highs and lows of cultivation.

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Watering less allows your plants to grow more in search for water , and also allows you the ability to add more water later if it wasn’t enough . You can always give more , but its more difficult to take back .

Giving your plants less light intensity can allow for less stress , sometimes running high intensity lights on 100% , you are actually pushing your plants much harder than you need to.

I have found myself at times doing a little too much , especially as someone who makes videos and content , it begins to add up quickly between life , relationships , work , and so on . Whether it may be too many plants , too many tents , breeding , or different grow styles and techniques .

It’s important to try new things , but in moderation . If you start a new run , maybe try 1 or 2 new methods or techniques things to add , rather than trying to reinvent the wheel .

Environment is the key to any successful run . You could have the greatest , highest quality strain or clone in the world , and if your environment isn’t within the ideal parameters , it simply will not turn out good . Whether it be too much heat , too much humidity , too much fluctuation , these are where almost all problems start in grows . Proper environment leads to higher quality , higher yield , and better runs .

Cannabis is simply just a plant . It will grow and do it’s thing regardless of how much time you spend , or effect you try to have on it . It can be better to sometimes step away, and allow it to grow how it needs , because the plant knows best . You can sometimes create more problems growing by defoliating too much , or babying every little thing , when really all we have to do is give them the right environment and let them grow .

As I mentioned before , genetics are going to be a huge factor in the success of your grow , it could mean whether or not you actually even make it to harvest. Simply put , there are genetics and strains that are known to be unstable or finicky , and if you are a grower just starting out , I would highly recommend to avoid those .

Something else I have learned is that you truly to do not need the best of the best to get started . If you are just growing 1 or 2 plants , there are plenty of grow lights , tents , and equipment on the market that are cheap and will be absolutely fine for personal growing . You should be able to get your first run going for less than $500 .

When harvesting & drying , you will hear everyone say the same thing . cloudy trichomes , hang dry for 10-14 days . I rarely check the trichomes until AFTER harvest .

For drying I aim for 60% humidity , for just about as long as I can go. But once a plant is dry you need to be ready to trim , regardless if it is day 7 or day 12. Once dry I remove the buds from the jar for 20-30 mins a day until there is no smell of chlorophyll .

I prefer to have a little more moisture and burp it , than drying too much to begin with .

Personally something I have noticed and need to improve on , is feeding young plants and seedlings more . I myself underestimated just how important it is for strengthening your plants branches and helping overall health and yield .

When starting out in organics , I learned that more soil is better . Its much easier to keep a happy plant in a larger container when doing organics .

When you are growing with bottle nuts , you simply mix up whatever amount of teaspoons or ML per gallon , and feed your plant . Hit them with some cal mag and up the feeding. If you overfeed , simply flush your plants .

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