I’m back at it with another concentrate review, now that Cannabis is fully legalized recreationally here in Missouri. Drop a comment below and let me know what you think! I always enjoy feedback and suggestions for what to review next!
Join me as I build my library of concentrate reviews in the Southern Missouri recreational market.
This time around we’re working with the Gelatti X KushMintz Badder from Covert Extractions. I picked up the jar from Terrabis in Springfield for $35 (BEFORE tax, $40ish after), I’ve seen it anywhere from $30-50 for this jar, all of which seems pretty reasonable for the market.
I could not find any information on this company, a COA for the extracts, or anything relevant to their products- only an IG page with pictures that talks about the company being part of the NorthWest Oregon Cannabis Collective. Not sure how or why that brought them to Missouri, but you definitely want to see & hear what I think about these folks and their products…
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