Boston Grower (Membership / Donations)
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========Nothing for Sale======
Everything in this channel/video is 100% legal. I grow in my backyard of my home in Boston Mass. where cultivation of cannabis is legal.
Please Don’t watch this channel/video if you are not 21+. This channel/video is for documentary purposes. Nothing for Sale and all products being used you can buy at any local store.
—————-Asgje per shitje—————-
Ne kete kanal cdo gje eshte 100% legale me shtetin e Massachusetts USA ku kultivimin e bimes narkotike kanabis, marjuana, hashash, bar eshte e lejushme per kultivim dhe perdorim. Pranaj mos ma rruni trapin dhe mesoni se si te mbjellesh dhe risesh kanabis sativa ose Indica ne oborr ose ne dhome me drita LED per te kultivuar Marjuane te klasit te pare pa farra dhe grades maximume te THC per te prodhuar vaj kanabisi, hashash ose per perdorim te perditeçem.
is not responsible for the misuse of the information contained in this video. Cultivation of cannabis may constitute a criminal offense or administrative misdemeanor; please refer to the legislation on cultivation of cannabis in your place of residence. Boston Backyard Grower does not intend in any case to incite non-legal practices.
#autoflower #autoflowers #cannabis #autofloweroutdoor #cannabisoutdoor #outdoorautoflower #timelapseautoflower